
IELTS – International English Language Testing System

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by Ixpoe Last updated Tue, 03-Aug-2021 English
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IELTS-The Worldwide English Language Testing Framework is a global state administered trial of English language capability for non-local English language speakers. It is for the most part utilized as a benchmark to test the language abilities of individuals who need to relocate to an English-talking land for different purposes like scholastics or expert tasks. IELTS is perceived by the vast majority of the scholarly establishments and expert associations in Europe, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and the US.

IELTS Test is of two sorts. IELTS Scholastic for understudies who wish to move for additional examinations and IELTS General Preparing for experts and other people who wish to move for any broadly useful.

The two sorts of IELTS comprise of four modules – Perusing, Composing, Talking, and Tuning in. In every one of these modules, one can get a score of 1-9 dependent on execution. The last score is a normal of these four scores.

To score well on IELTS, you require a strong grasp on English language capability at all levels. This requires steady readiness.

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  • 4 Students
  • 29 Courses
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Our Courses

Regular international board classes fall under the following categories.

Grade Course
  • Core/Extended
  • Core/Extended/International Additional
  • Core/Extended
  • Core/Extended/International
  • Additional
IB-11/AS Standard level/ Higher level Further Math
IB-12/A level
  • Standard Level/ Higher level
  • Further Math