
IB (International Baccalaureate)

IB (International Baccalaureate)

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by Ixpoe Last updated Mon, 23-Aug-2021 English
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International Baccalaureate is an association that offers a very much planned program for understudies from ages 3 to 19. These projects are needed to be granted via prepared educators at many affirmed schools all throughout the planet. The association is devoted to offering thorough, excellent instruction to its understudies, and is a much pursued educational program by guardians.

The Basics of the IB Primary Years Programme

The program is focused on kids matured 3 - 12 years and instils a culture of learning in youthful understudies' brains. It has an understudy fixated approach and spotlights on building calculated comprehension in kids.

The core of the PYP educational program lies in building sound learning networks through building connections.

The PYP urges kids to pose inquiries in school as well as past it also. It helps fabricate certainty and expands self-inspiration in little youngsters.

The Basics of the IB Middle Years Programme

This program is focused on at understudies in the age section of 11 to 16 and is intended to assist understudies with relating their investigations to this present reality's items of common sense. It is a five-year program and gets ready understudies to attempt the IB Certificate Program or Profession related Program.

The educational plan has eight subject gatherings, and each gathering needs somewhere around 50 hours of showing time in every time of the program.

The educational plan has eight subject gatherings, and each gathering needs somewhere around 50 hours of showing time in every time of the program.

The Basics of the IB Diploma Programme

The most widely recognized and famous IB program for optional school understudies is the IB certificate program, otherwise called the IBDP, offered to understudies between the ages of 16 and 19. Auxiliary schools offering IB courses are ensured to offer IBDP. Remember that understudies are frequently permitted to take IB courses without taking on the whole IBDP educational program.

The IBDP is a two-year scholarly program opens to understudies from ages 16 to 19 or auxiliary school understudies. When these understudies total the program and the prerequisites, they can acquire the IB recognition, which is viewed as a phenomenal certification for college applications and past. It necessitates that understudies take courses and breeze through tests in six distinctive branches of knowledge. Three or four of the subjects should be taken at the really difficult higher test level, while you can take the remainder of the subjects at the Standard test level.

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  • 29 Courses
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Our Courses

Regular international board classes fall under the following categories.

Grade Course
  • Core/Extended
  • Core/Extended/International Additional
  • Core/Extended
  • Core/Extended/International
  • Additional
IB-11/AS Standard level/ Higher level Further Math
IB-12/A level
  • Standard Level/ Higher level
  • Further Math