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Causes and Solution to poor Academic Performance

Poor academic performance is one among the best concerns of oldsters over their children. If this is often not looked into, such child will need to face the effect of poor performance which has gloomy future, youth that are unemployable, etc. this can be one in all the explanations why parents employ home teachers for his or her children or maybe change their children’s teachers incessantly in hope that things will change.

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15 Effective ways to tackle mental stress in your pursuit of IIT-JEE examinations

15 Effective ways to tackle mental stress in your pursuit of IIT-JEE examinations The long-awaited IIT JEE examinations are here. You might have prepared for this moment well and for a long period of time. You might have also covered most of the syllabus and would now be amped up with confidence. However, you are among those tens of lakhs of students who appear in the JEE examinations each year.

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Set Specific Goals for Each Study Session

Simply studying without direction is not effective. Make sure to consider what it is that you aim to accomplish by the end of each study session to give yourself some direction and keep you focused on the tasks at hand. Consider using the initial few minutes of your study session to create a to-do list and notice all of the tasks that require your attention for that one sitting. Setting yourself short-term goals each time you sit down to study can help to reduce procrastination and increase your motivation to get working.

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