
Extended Essay (EE)

Extended Essay (EE)

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by Ixpoe Last updated Tue, 03-Aug-2021 English
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The Extended Essay (EE) may be a core component of the IB Diploma (International Baccalaureate), and is arguably the closest that prime school students get to complete a university-level task. As a result it's both challenging and rewarding at an equivalent time.

ISB students have approximately a year to figure on their EE, starting within the middle of semester 1 of Grade 11. During that point, and with the guidance of a topic specialist supervisor, students are encouraged to pursue their passion and to dig deep into the tutorial aspects behind the items they find fascinating about the planet around them.

The EE might be better depicted as a search Article, as understudies got to investigate thoughts, procedures, and techniques, even as the way to confine touch with a scholarly crowd, the way to ask data appropriately, etc. At the purpose when ISB graduated class revisit to grounds, they often remark about the convenience of the EE for work they were appointed later at school.

EE is merely one among the various subjects and specializations at ISB which empowers discovering that poses inquiries, while additionally assisting understudies with fostering a solid feeling of character and worldwide mindedness.

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  • 4 Students
  • 29 Courses
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Our Courses

Regular international board classes fall under the following categories.

Grade Course
  • Core/Extended
  • Core/Extended/International Additional
  • Core/Extended
  • Core/Extended/International
  • Additional
IB-11/AS Standard level/ Higher level Further Math
IB-12/A level
  • Standard Level/ Higher level
  • Further Math